Mamta Popat / Arizona Daily Star | June 15, 2016
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With help from PJ McArdle, far left, and Bob Byars, middle, To-Ree-Nee Wolf, far right, continues to work on her mural called "Creation Story, Chaos Theory and Quantum Memory," on Wednesday June 08, 2016.
To-Ree-Nee Wolf Keiser got a late start on her 12-feet-high and 40-feet-long mural at the old Scrappy’s, 213 E. Broadway. She’s battling oppressive heat but she’ll be done by June 20, she says. Her inspiration is “The creation story, chaos theory and quantum memory,” says Wolf. Incorporating bright colors — which are her signature — and images of rainbows and a butterfly will be key. Her biggest challenge? “The heat,” she says quickly. To avoid it, she has to get up early to start work on the mural. That presents another challenge: “I’m a night owl,” she says. “If I see dawn, it’s because I’m going to bed, not rising.”